


     Ask anyone who has gotten to know me within the past few years and they will probably tell you that I have such a weird view on the world. Frankly, one of my best friends and surrogate older sister, Aimee Nucci, tells me that I'm crazy. Most of the time I don't believe that statement but looking back on it, Yep, totally crazy. People who really sit down and talk to me about the world and happens that go on in a day, always look at me with the most puzzled expressions. With my unique view on the world, I tend to turn even something stupid like the way coffee tastes into a miracle. 
     If you really factor everything, and I mean everything, into human existence; it really is a miracle that all of us are here. One out of a billion or so, give or take, sperm decided to make it to a specific egg and they mated with no problem. Then our mothers carried us for nine months as we gestated and most of us come out problem free. Sitting and thinking about that really blows my mind and it's crazy to think of the slim chance that we all had at existence. Thinking about how lucky we are just to live, breathe and exist to view the world around us really makes a stupid fight you had with your sibling utterly pointless.
     I saw this video circulating the internet a few days ago but I decided to wait until I really had a quiet moment by myself to take the time to watch and really take it all in. After about my fifth time through the video and finally finding a tissue to dry up my own tears, I once again found a reason to affirm my philosophy that miracles happen literally every minute of every single day. 
     Watching this woman simply overcome with joy at the simple fact of hearing her own voice for the first time in twenty nine years is nothing shy of a miracle. Quickly bursting into tears of joy all due to the fact that she could hear. Most people are so miserable about their lives because they don't own a Mercedes-Benz, they hate their job or they are a little overweight and this woman is crying her eyes out in ecstasy over hearing her own voice. Take notes everyone because this should teach us we all have so much to celebrate in our lives.
     When people ask that oh-so-interesting question "what are you most thankful for in life", I always come up with the same answer no matter what my circumstance. I am always going to be thankful for life and the fact that I was put here to witness one of the greatest stories ever. Human life. Life is magical and inspires me every single day the more that I witness it. This small video was simply proof that life is so much better than any story ever written, any movie ever made and any song ever sung. Life really shows you how marvelous it is, every day. Do yourself a favor and get out there and just take it all in.

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